Welcome to "brush and twig" fine art cards. This idea started out as a card line to heal the heart of the empty-nester... that time in a family's life when the kids move out and people find themselves at a crossroad. As our kids grew up, I designed many "empty-nest" cards and mailed them to many friends and family. Each time, the response was a tearful, "How did you know? You should start a card line. These are wonderful"
As a watercolorist, I had kept journals for almost twenty years and shared some of the pages with a few friends and family. Once again, cheerful encouragement to start a card line.
I paint the sweetness of the seasons.... the tiny things that make the change of seasons so meaningful... pansies in the windowbox in the fall, pumpkins on the porch.... winter snowmen in their dandy coats and scarves, the burst of the spring bulbs... the tall summer sunflower overlooking the garden... it's is all reassuring to me that each season has promise.
The "Vagabond Cats" line is in honor of my mother... who has loved cats her entire life. I was fourteen before I even knew people went out to get a cat. I thought they just showed up at the doorstep, hat in hand... looking for a handout....
Simplicity, quality, and color.... that is what we strive for with each card design. We select quality paper and insist on exact color... the designs are from my heart... sharing this work is sharing my heart.... thank you for visiting "www.brushandtwig.com"
If you have a retail store and would like to carry my fine art cards please drop me a note at brushandtwig@gmail.com.